PUT api/crm/company/put
Puts a single organization for insert or update.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
A valid JSON or XML
CompanyName | Description | Type | Additional information |
CustomerCode |
An unique customer code for this organization. This is to identify your organization in our database. |
string |
Max length: 50 Must be unique Required |
Name |
The name of the organization. |
string |
Max length: 100 Required |
The global email address of the organization. |
string |
Max length: 50 |
Info |
Optional information about the organization. |
string |
None. |
Vat |
The VAT number. |
string |
Max length: 30 |
VatTransfer |
Indicates if VAT can be transfered for this organization according to EU regulations. Enter 0 for no, 1 for yes |
integer |
None. |
Website |
The website of your organization. |
string |
Max length: 100 |
Fax |
The faxnumber of your organization. |
string |
Max length: 50 |
Phone |
The global phone number of your organization. |
string |
Max length: 50 |
Status |
The status of your organization. |
Enumeration type Possible values : closed, active |
None. |
Type |
The type of your organization. See type for more details. |
Enumeration type Possible values : other, prospect, partner, supplier, customer |
None. |
Contacts |
The collection of contacts for this relation. |
Collection of Contact |
None. |
Addresses |
The collection of addresses for this relation. |
Collection of CompanyAddress |
None. |
CustomFields | Dictionary of string [key] and Object [value] |
Only applicable for custom development fields. Please contact support@expodoc.com for additional information. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "CustomerCode": "12345", "Name": "Venue Ltd.", "Email": "info@venue.com", "Info": "Specalist in venues.", "Vat": "BE123.456.789", "VatTransfer": 0, "Website": "http://www.venue.com", "Fax": "", "Phone": "555.123.456", "Status": "active", "Type": "prospect", "Contacts": [ { "Reference": "C01248", "Gender": "female", "FirstName": "Ella", "LastName": "Karppi", "Title": "Ceo", "PrimaryMail": "Lena@venues.com", "SecondaryMail": "", "Phone": "555.123.457", "Mobile": "", "LanguageCode": "EN", "Type": "invoice" }, { "Reference": "C01248", "Gender": "female", "FirstName": "Emma", "LastName": "Tours", "Title": "Ceo", "PrimaryMail": "Clara@venues.com", "SecondaryMail": "", "Phone": "555.123.457", "Mobile": "", "LanguageCode": "EN", "Type": "contact" } ], "Addresses": [ { "AddressType": "office", "AddressLineOne": "Road to venue 12", "AddressLineTwo": "", "PostalCode": "1234", "City": "Sarma", "CountryCode": "GB", "State": "" }, { "AddressType": "invoice", "AddressLineOne": "Road to venue 12", "AddressLineTwo": "", "PostalCode": "1234", "City": "Sarma", "CountryCode": "GB", "State": "" } ], "CustomFields": { "companycode": "12321" } }
application/xml, text/xml
<Company xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Expodoc.Api.Classes.Contracts.Crm"> <Addresses> <CompanyAddress> <AddressLineOne>Road to venue 12</AddressLineOne> <AddressLineTwo></AddressLineTwo> <AddressType>office</AddressType> <City>Sarma</City> <CountryCode>GB</CountryCode> <PostalCode>1234</PostalCode> <State></State> </CompanyAddress> <CompanyAddress> <AddressLineOne>Road to venue 12</AddressLineOne> <AddressLineTwo></AddressLineTwo> <AddressType>invoice</AddressType> <City>Sarma</City> <CountryCode>GB</CountryCode> <PostalCode>1234</PostalCode> <State></State> </CompanyAddress> </Addresses> <Contacts> <Contact> <FirstName>Ella</FirstName> <Gender>female</Gender> <LanguageCode>EN</LanguageCode> <LastName>Karppi</LastName> <Mobile></Mobile> <Phone>555.123.457</Phone> <PrimaryMail>Lena@venues.com</PrimaryMail> <Reference>C01248</Reference> <SecondaryMail></SecondaryMail> <Title>Ceo</Title> <Type>invoice</Type> </Contact> <Contact> <FirstName>Emma</FirstName> <Gender>female</Gender> <LanguageCode>EN</LanguageCode> <LastName>Tours</LastName> <Mobile></Mobile> <Phone>555.123.457</Phone> <PrimaryMail>Clara@venues.com</PrimaryMail> <Reference>C01248</Reference> <SecondaryMail></SecondaryMail> <Title>Ceo</Title> <Type>contact</Type> </Contact> </Contacts> <CustomFields xmlns:d2p1="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays"> <d2p1:KeyValueOfstringanyType> <d2p1:Key>companycode</d2p1:Key> <d2p1:Value xmlns:d4p1="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" i:type="d4p1:string">12321</d2p1:Value> </d2p1:KeyValueOfstringanyType> </CustomFields> <CustomerCode>12345</CustomerCode> <Email>info@venue.com</Email> <Fax></Fax> <Info>Specalist in venues.</Info> <Name>Venue Ltd.</Name> <Phone>555.123.456</Phone> <Status>active</Status> <Type>prospect</Type> <Vat>BE123.456.789</Vat> <VatTransfer>0</VatTransfer> <Website>http://www.venue.com</Website> </Company>